15 July 2009

A particular film

Hey guys! Ariella here! This particular film we did recently is really special to us. You should see it on bluray! We all watched and marveled. It made me think about what makes certain films we do particularly special, even more-so than the other films. I realize its a huge variety of factors, and usually a certain element that just makes the film stick out. Usually the element is so subtle, it really impacts you without being in your face about it. It's just soft and natural, and you appreciate the film as art. I tried to examine this film, and not be a disengaged viewer, I realized what exactly made this film different, special. I realized it is the subtle, beauty lighting. Miami sun-- I tell ya, that's what it's all about! It's beautiful and frames the face so gently, gives this beyond-human glow that is neither red or orange or peach, just a combo of everything. It really made this film what it is- especially the shots where it sneaked into the shot. That's why DPs (director of photographers) spend SO much time approximating the lighting to be just perfect on a set. In our film, the light did it itself- we didn't have to adjust it at all. Sometimes letting natural light lead the course can be amazing, and that's why when you watch this, your eyes just widen. Enjoy! Also, when we first edited we all raised our brows and were like "Dixie Chicks song??" But actually, its a perfect fit! Its a surreal almost esoteric song that mimics nature, like wind and lullabys and things like that. I hope I don't sound like I'm all 4/20 when I write this, but I think that's why people like our style so much, because we DO pay attention to this stuff. We're not all conglomerated or things like that, we care about the work and can be selective and use these kinds of moments. This is what we mean when we say we're non-traditional, ya know? We're not business women/men here, we're artists!